Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Can I Hear an AMEN?????

Tomorrow is the last day of students and Friday is my last day. There is a truly wonderful GOD and He does love me!!!!!!!


Kodi Logan said...

Amen! I hear you sister! Today was my first official day of summer vacation. It's only 8:30 a.m. and Emmarie and I have already eaten breakfast, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, went for about a 2 mile walk, played outside, watched a cartoon, and she is now taking a power nap. I guess all that activity so early in the morning wore her out!

Heather said...

Good Lord woman you have a whole summer, pace yourself. I can't wait to wake up Monday morning and pray to have a little more energy than normal.

Kodi Logan said...

emmarie likes to stay active! it will do me some good to stay active as well! she's not feeling well today.very cranky and running another low grade fever. i don't know what the heck the deal is with this child. she is so sickly!