Friday, June 1, 2007

There is Power in the Blood!

Joey said he told Jennifer why we couldn't come see you off Sunday, but in case you didn't know I got baptized on Sunday and Joey, Hannah, and I joined our church. Joey took some pictures of the baptism and I thought I would post one of them. Our preacher's name is Brother Mark Ham, yes Ham. He is awesome. We go to a contemporary praise and worship church and all of us love it. Hannah comes in at the crack of dawn on Sunday yelling "It is Church Day, it is Church Day!" Joey and I hate it when we have to miss and so does Hannah. You'll have to come with us when you come visit sometime. It is very laid back and relaxed.

1 comment:

Kodi Logan said...

hey, i wanted to respond to this earlier but Emmarie woke up and it sounded like she fell out of her crib, so i had to go. it was actually just the sound of her heaving a stuffed animal out of her crib into the wall. she's able to swing one leg over the top of the crib so i know the climbing out is coming. makes me a little nervous. i haven't toddler proofed her room...another thing i need to do this summer, very soon! anyway, no, i thought hannah was getting baptized. somehow jennifer got the story confused. congrats!!!!! didn't know you hadn't been baptized. your church sounds great. if joey likes to go it must be pretty allright!