Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Trying to Rest and Get Caught Up

Sorry I haven't blogged regularly lately. I am trying to get caught up and actually adjust to summer vacation. Robin came for a visit and we had a vacation while she was here so that took up all of last week. My sister went home on Sunday afternoon and we went to church Sunday night, Hannah started summer camp Monday morning and had dance class Monday afternoon and we had Mack all day today because he was sick and daycare wouldn't take him, so I am just now able to sit and write.

I thought that I would be able to rest on summer break but that is a sick joke. I have run more in the three weeks I have been out than I thought possible. I am trying to start a diet which at three today dive bombed into diet hell. I am trying to stay on a positve thought path though and not just through in the towel. I am going walking on M W and F after I drop Hannah off at camp. I need to schedule T and Th exercise time, but I don't know when. Hazel wants to go before I get the chance so I'll have to figure something else out. I have twenty pounds to lose and I will lose it or die trying!

I am trying to put Hannah and I on a routine-thanks for the motivation Kodi-so that we can get something accomplished this summer since it is Hannah's last summer before she starts public school. I am trying to get solid color shirts together now and Kakiah (sp) black and navy pants/skirts/skorts/shorts/capris together for school. My school has a dress code that's about as stupid as you can get- red shirt on Monday, white on Tuesday, blue on Wednesday, green on Thursday, and Yellow on Friday. The kids can wear white or black anyday and shades of those colors but will get in trouble if they wear a blue shirt on red day. So, I am now on the look out for uniform type clothes.

Well now that I have rambled my quota for the night, I will go to bed. I think we have another day full of diapers and bottles and a sick baby.


Kodi Logan said...

cool pic. good luck with everything you are trying to get going. speaking of exercise...i gotta go get em up so we can take our walk. we haven't been in 2 days b/c it's been raining cats and dogs here. i see sunshine right now, but we're supposed to get more rain at some point.

Heather said...

send some rain this way if you can...

Kodi Logan said...

i'd send it all...we are so sick of it around here...we have a chance every day this week and more storms to come next week!

Kodi Logan said...

where are you girl?