Kodi tagged me with the 10 unknown or weird facts about me game. I am such a big mouth I don't know that anything is unknown and there is enough weird that the people reading this could make the list for me.
1. I like to watch Dora the Explorer even when Hannah isn't home. There is
something about that show that just rocks. I also likes it because she speaks
Spanish and regular as Hannah says.
2. I don't go outside very often during the summer becuase I have a snake phobia. I
have never seen a snake up close, I don't even look at them at the zoo, I just
am scared to death I will walk up on one and that would be all she wrote!
3. I like to go to sleep around three o'clock in the morning. I enjoy being
alone, just hanging out and watching television or playing on the computer.
4. I never ate Spagettios (sp) until I was in college.
5. Kodi introduced me to my first summer boyfriend. Wow, that was a lifetime ago!
6. I am a popsicle-a-holic. We buy about 4+ boxes a week. Diet Dr. Pepper flavor
is my favorite.
7. I had a crush on Joey two years before I actually met him and my mom
thought he looked scuzzy with that scraggily beard. She loves him now though.
8. I would rather sleep on the floor that in the bed. I don't know, I just like it.
9. I have never been camping.
10. Mommy Dearest is one of my favorite movies although I have never seen it all
the way through, I've missed the very beginning and parts of the middle.
There you have it. Now I don't know 10 people who blog, so I will list the ones I do know.
1. Jennifer Sutphin-my cousin, I'm sure there is something she has to share
2. Kate Andrade-one of my good friends from college, we took Hannah's middle name from
Kate's middle name
3. "Germ" Allison Howard-another good friend from college and Hannah's godmother
4. Jamie Sutphin-another cousin
5. Emily Crocker-a very dear friend, I am learning more about her every day
6. Jennie Crocker-a friend from high school and Emily's sister
7. Michelle Smith-started out as a parent of my student, now a good friend from church
there were a few i didn't know! about the space thing...you have to go back in after you get all your pics in your blog and delete the space out before you publish it. or you can publish it, view it, and then go back in and edit it.
you've not been leaving comments on my blog. come on girl, you can't read and not comment...it's illegal in the bloggin world! :)
ok, girl. we've lost ya again. where you be?
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