Baby girl came through her surgery famously. She had the procedure on Monday (which is a story in and of itself), spent the night in the hospital, came home Tuesday, to the dentist Thursday and Missouri on Friday. That is what I call a fast healer!
Okay, so for the surgery story, well actually mood, tone, attitude-you get the general idea. Hannah has been worried about this surgery since July. She has talked about it, drawn pictures about it, tried to talk us out of it, you name it she has tried it except for pulling the depression/anger card. Well, need I say it? She pulled that card big time. In my last post I told you about her with all the barfing and what not, well we went to the doctor and he said he was 90% sure it was a bug but that it did also have a chance of being a nervous stomach. We felt so sorry for her, we loved on her and petted her, tried to make her comfortable, talked to her as much or as little about the surgery or her bug as she wanted-basically we let the world stop for her that weekend. We even let her favorite cousin Catey (she's 12) spend the night (the night before surgery) to cheer her up and she seemed to be okay. Well we got up Monday morning and she was happy and sweet until she realized what day it was and what was going to happen that day. As the morning went on she got more and more quiet and withdrawn. Then, she wouldn't play, then she wouldn't even smile. Finally she quit talking to us. Heck, she would talk to or look at anyone, not either set of grandparents, not her favorite cousin, not the lady giving her pick of toys at the hospital's "Bunny Room" , the "sleepy doctor" not anyone! Later, Dr. Sawyer said he almost did not do her surgery because she was in such a bad funk. The sleepy doctor really tried to put on a show for her to make her laugh and she gave he a "go south" look and turned her back to him like she was sixteen. She did that to everyone. She was mad because of the surgery, she was mad because she was thirsty, she was real mad because she was hungry and she was mad because she was well, just mad!
She came through fine and is now in a walking boot for the next month. That means no P.E. or big recess fun and boy can you tell she has built up that energy! Anyway, I just thought I would check in and let everyone know Hannah came through surgery with two good legs and I got one wild child! :)
Hey, great recap! I cracked up several times while reading this!
Emmarie is definitely well on her way to getting this creeping crud as you call it. Man,I hope Hannah isn't next.
Hey, we are lucky so far, maybe if I don't say it out loud we'll be home free. Are you feeling better? JoeJy and I just have the basic cold symptoms now. I think we all three slept most of it off Friday night. We went to dinner like normal Friday night and Hannah and I fell asleep on the way home and slept until the next morning. Joey went to bed as soon as we got home and did the same.
I love the pictures of Em and Hannah and all of us on your blog the other day; they were really cute.
i'm feeling much better. emmarie just seems to mostly have the cough for now. and the sleeping! wow! that girl is sleeping a lot. i did that too though this week. now i'm trying to play catch up! speaking of which, i better get back at it. i was cleaning the kitchen. how i ended up in here on the computer is odd! ;)
i'm expecting some pics of the old lady really soon!
hey, i thought there was another post on here...a new one. where did it go? i was going to leave a comment. maybe my computer just isn't pulling it up. have a laptop now, so i'm expecting my blogging!!!!!!!!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
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