Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sometimes Your Heart Gets Broken

What do you do when you have a friend, that you have been practically inseperable from for a long time, that suddenly wants no part of you? How do you deflect that heartbreak? This friend is going through some incredible trials right now, but to tell your friend don't call me, I'll call you, seems a little scary to me. I have been down this road so many times before. I miss my friend, I want to help her, reach out to her during this hard time, but she won't even return my phone calls. I have cried and cried over this. I saw her this weekend at Weight Watchers and she talked to me very casually, but she talked so I am more inclined to think maybe she doesn't HATE me. I don't know. My heart breaks when I think about it. I could hardly sleep last week because of it. It is never good when you hear "It's not you, it's me..." no matter who it comes from. I have just been so sad because part of me thinks she really must hate me and the other part believes what she says about needing to deal with her stuff.

Hopefully this will be a better week...

Kodi, I can't wait for you and your gang to come visit!


Kodi Logan said...

Okay, why haven't I heard about this? I'm totally out of the loop. Send me an email or call...fill me in. So glad you posted by the way!!!AND YOU LEFT A COMMENT ON MINE!!!! YEE HAW (as emmarie would say) :)

Kodi Logan said...

Okay dear, it's been a month now. I know you've had some blog worthy events transpire over this past month. I'm really hoping our weather cooperates for our trip down south. The forecasters have us kind of freaked out around here...they said it will either be a very stormy month or a very snowy one and it sounds like we are getting ready to start off snowy. May get a foot or more of snow tonight and tomorrow.

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